As part of our continuing immersion in community life here in our new home in Chamberet, I have volunteered to take part in the annual Journée du Livre (Book Day) this Thursday 9 August 2012. About 30-odd regional authors take part on the day and there are children's activities and this year presentations on bookbinding, French songs and novels, and the experiences of a French chef.
Last year's Journée du Livre took place when we were here in Chamberet to sign for our house. We were surprised at the number of local authors who were there with their published works. It was a very friendly event and we had an interesting conversation with one of the author's of lovely children's books, who had been a clown in a former life!
I offerred to take part and decided to present something about my blog 'Busy Days in Chamberet' and decided to explain how I have created my blog, how easy it is to set up, and how to go about setting one up on here on
The information I intend to present is:
What is a blog?
A blog is a web-log - a type of personal journal, which anyone can set up on the internet and can be accessed by all.
Why did I start doing a blog?
We bought our house here in Chamberet last August (2011) and moved here permanently on 1 October 2011. Friends and family were keen to know all about our new life here in France, and in the first few weeks when we had no internet, I spent a lot of time sending personal letters. Then when we were originally set up with the internet, a lot of time sending emails which again I personalised. Although I have always enjoyed writing and have been a great letter writer (something I inherited from my mother) it meant I was spending a lot of time repeating the same information, so to save time, I thought I would write a blog!
How to create your own blog?
Creating a blog is easy - all you need is a computer and internet access. Go to this site: and follow the instructions.
I've just recently noticed there are all sorts of features, most of which I haven't used yet, but hope to use them in future postings. One feature is that your blog can be viewed on a mobile phone.
The Journée du Livre takes place in the Salle de Fetes, Chamberet, this Thursday 9 August 2012, from 10 h to 19 h, entry is free and all are welcome.
Thanks to my husband, Harry Tyler, now a Chambertois artist with paintings in the current exhibition in the village, for his help with presenting this blog.
© Marie Tyler, 2012
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